Upcoming Events.........
March & April:
27 - Bike-A-Thon - Early Dismissal
31 - April 3 - Spring Break, NS

​How to help...
Pray for students and staff each day. Volunteer to help out in daily activities that spark your interest. Support and encourage your child in all academic areas. Get involved in what's going on.

Be an encourager...
Praise your child in big things, and in the small things. Let's face it, we all enjoy receiving compliments, children are no different.
" A word fitly spoke is like apples of gold
in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11 "
An encouraging word can go a long way... Make a bad day better, puts a smile on someone's face, and joy in their heart.
What role do I play?...
Just like the childhood game we have all played growing up, "Follow The Leader", your child is following in your footsteps. Lead them in the right paths, "Children are a reflection of their parents".

​Our purpose...
Our purpose is to train young people in a Christian environment, emphasize matters of eternal value, educate and train the whole student physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritually. The school staff is dedicated to partnering closely with parents in the training and development of the whole child.
A distinctively Christian philosophy of knowledge and learning combined with serious academics and home reinforcement to produce young people that are responsible and full of Godly character. Proven learning techniques are combined with traditional values and content. Comfortable Learning Centers provide an atmosphere for maximum learning. For students who are in 3rd grade and above in conventional schools, the Accelerated Christian Education program is individualized and children are placed in levels of learning, not grade levels. It is designed to allow each student to work at his own level of achievement, which may vary from subject to subject.

"Every child is a gift from God."